The Angels for Life”program started with a slogan competition “Organ Donation – Love and Life” (Phase I), which has attracted an overwhelming response of about 5,000 entries from over 30 secondary schools. 56 entries were shortlisted as outstanding and students were presented with certificates, trophies and book coupons in recognition of their performance. The award presentation Ceremony was held on the Organ Donation Day on 11 November 2017 (Sat). Dr. Kelvin Ho, the founding president of HKOTF; Dr. Leong Che Hung, Honorary Advisor of HKOTF; Dr. Chau Ka Foon, the Honorary President of Hong Kong Transplant Sports Association; Ms. Cheung Wing Shan, Curriculum Development Officer (LWL) of Education Bureau; other committee members and guests attended the Ceremony to congratulate the outstanding performance of 56 winning students.
“Organ Donation – Love and Life” Slogan Competition
Below are the award-winning slogan:

The award presentation ceremony of“Organ Donation – Love and Life” Slogan Competition was held on 11th Nov 2017. The guests and the shortlisted students took a group photo together.

The guests showed a butterfly sign which represented organ donation to appeal for public support.
【Junior Forms】
Champion: SKH Lam Woo Memorial Secondary School
【器官捐贈獲重生, 齊做博愛香港人。】
1st Runner-up: Yan Chai Hospital Wong Wha San Secondary School
【器官捐贈賦新生, 家人支持賦信心。】
2nd Runner-up: Hong Kong Teachers’ Association Lee Heng Kwei Secondary School
【捐贈器官現愛心, 幫助他人得重生。】
Most Active Participating School: Munsang College
【Senior Forms】
Champion: Yan Chai Hospital Wong Wha San Secondary School
【 捐贈器官點燃希望,遺愛人間重新啟航。】
1st Runner-up: St. Catharine’s School for Girls
【燃亮希望延續愛, 器官捐贈莫等待。】
2nd Runner-up: Munsang College
【支持器官捐贈, 新的生命,愛的傳承。】
Most Active Participating School: Yan Chai Hospital Wong Wha San Secondary School
“Angels for Life” Program: Training Session
The Ceremony was followed by a training session, in which HKOTF’s President Dr. Kelvin Ho and Ms. So, a recipient’s and also donor’s family member, introduced to students the knowledge and meaning of organ donation. The representative from Education Bureau shared with students the qualities of good leadership, and Ms. Wong from the CMA Secondary School provided guidance on the formulation of proposal for the organ donation promotional program.

Ms. So, family member of a recipient and a donor, shared the feeling of herself and her family.

The training session for phase II participants was held on the same day of the award presentation ceremony. Information and messages of organ donation were delivered to students.