In Hong Kong, there are over 2000 patients waiting for organ transplant every day but the number of transplantable organ is in serious shortage. HKOTF hopes that through the Design Competition, students could have a better understanding and awareness on organ donation. Other than that, the Champion design will be turned into a tram advertisement which will run along the streets of Hong Kong Island to promote organ donation to the general public.
Your participation would act as a contribution to patients with organ failure!
Participant should use “Organ Donation for You and Me” as a theme in designing the tram body advertisement to appeal for public support on organ donation.
Secondary Students of Form 1 to 6 in Hong Kong (or the equivalent)
Participants can visit HKOTF website to fill in and submit the online enrolment form. After the enrolment, HKOTF will send out a confirmation email with a “participation number”. Click here to enrol.
Submission Method
- Participants must submit the digital files of 1) the design work; and 2) a brief note of the design concept by either attaching the files or providing a link for downloading in the email to youandme@hkotf.org.
- Participants must include “participation number” in the file name of the design work and the brief note.
Judging Panel and Criteria
A Judging Panel will be formed by representatives of HKOTF and the Supporting Organizations, and Prof. Eric Yim, Chairman of Hong Kong Design Centre. They will select the winners according to the following criteria:
- Relevancy to the theme (40%)
- Creativity and design (30%)
- Artistic presentation and skill (30%)
Important Dates
Enrolment deadline: 31 October 2022
Submission deadline: 3 January 2023
Online Voting: 17 February 2023 to 3 March 2023
Award Presentation Ceremony: 6 May 2023
Awards & Prizes

Regulations and Specifications of Entries
- Participants are required to follow the instructions on the Tram Body Design Template provided by HKOTF in preparing the design work. Click here to download the template.
- The Chinese slogan 「器官捐贈 ‧ 從你我出發」and English slogan “Organ Donation for You and Me” must be included in the design work.
- All types of design and painting tools are acceptable. Entries may be designed with the use of computer-aided software but ready-to-use graphics provided by computer software (Clip Art) is not permitted.
- Participants must submit the design work in digital file, in PDF, JPG or PNG format, with a resolution of 300dpi or above.
- Participants must also submit a brief note of their design concept in no more than 100 words in either Chinese or English in PDF format.
Terms and Conditions
The Organizer and its Right
- The organizer of this competition is Hong Kong Organ Transplant Foundation (hereafter referred to as “HKOTF”).
- HKOTF reserves the right to interpret and change the terms and conditions of the competition without giving notice to individual participant.
- HKOTF has the right to request the participants to provide identification proof for verification.
- Decisions of HKOTF and the Assessment Panel on the competition result are final. Participants are not allowed to object.
- HKOTF reserves the right to make the final decision with regard to any dispute.
Participants and Entries
- Each participant shall submit one entry only. For participants who submit multiple entries, only the last submission would be accepted, and the rest would be disqualified without further notice.
- Participants shall study the terms and conditions of the competition carefully. Upon submission of the entries, participants shall be deemed to have accepted and be bound by the terms and conditions set out in this competition.
- All submitted entries will not be returned. Participants are advised to keep a copy of the design work. HKOTF reserves the right to request for the original file.
- HKOTF reserves the right to disqualify any participants who violate the terms and conditions, or those who do not adhere to the required submission format.
- HKOTF shall not be liable for any delay, loss, error, unrecognizable status or damage of the submissions caused by any technical reasons. Participants are not allowed to object.
- Entries should not contain any material that is obscene, violent, pornographic, defamatory, indecent, insulting, controversial or inappropriate, or the participants will be disqualified.
- All entries must be original, have neither been openly shown or publicised in any other platforms, nor been submitted for any other competitions.
- Participants must pay attention to the security and virus problem in submitting the entries and related files. If virus is found in the submission, the participants may be disqualified.
Copyright and Distribution
- Participants must ensure that the entry is original, has not plagiarized nor infringed upon the copyright of any third party. If there is any misconduct, including but not limited to the submission, malversation, borrowing, reprinting, copying and counterfeiting in the submitted entries, the participants will be disqualified. Participants should undertake their own legal responsibility, and any legal disputes are irrelevant to HKOTF.
- Upon submission of the entries, the participants shall be deemed to have agreed that the copyright of the submission shall belong to HKOTF. HKOTF reserves the right to copy, use, modify, publicise or display the submitted entries, put them into production, and distribute, display or publish them in any occasion for publicity or promotional purposes, without providing remuneration or giving notice to the participants. HKOTF reserves the right to require the participants to provide written proof of authorization, if necessary.
- HKOTF has the right to report and publish any information about or related to the competition (including but not limited to the name of the participants, the name of the school, activity highlights etc.) without giving prior notice to the participants.
- Participants shall understand and agree that HKOTF and/or other working partners have the right to display or publish the entries on social media platforms, websites and any other online/offline media platforms. Participants are not allowed to object nor to ask for remuneration.